Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7

As we give of our tithes, offerings, and compassion, we get to see a glimpse of what God is doing in us, our community, and our world. We invite you to be part of Frontline’s mission to multiply gospel communities that love God, love people and push back darkness.

Why We Give

We seek to be a people who give generously, cheerfully and sacrificially. The stewardship of our finances is a tremendous area of our lives where we can faithfully demonstrate and proclaim the Gospel. When we give, we acknowledge that God gives first, most, and best. Giving strengthens our relationship with Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us.

What Happens to the Money We Give?

God provides for the ministry of Frontline Church through tithes and offerings. We seek to be beyond reproach as we walk in finances as a church. We honor your giving with faithful stewardship and ethical business practices.

Through your giving, we are able to love God, love people, and push back darkness in Oklahoma and beyond. Your giving funds city partnerships, compassion ministries, church planting, discipleship, and more.



Alongside your monthly giving, we invite you to pray as you prepare for the annual Compassion Offering that will take place on Christmas Eve. The beauty of this offering is that 100% of it will be used throughout the upcoming year to alleviate suffering and poverty, both in our neighborhoods and in the nations. God has given to us so generously that we can do nothing less than the same.


Frontline Church
PO Box 2368
OKC, OK 73101