Service time: 10 AM
Location: 10 W Main St.

Whether you're a skeptic, irreligious, or Christian... you're welcome here. There are no questions off limits as we process the claims of Jesus with you. No matter where you find yourself, you're invited to join us at 10 AM.


We gather together to celebrate what God has done through Jesus in our lives and community. A live band will play a few songs and then one of our pastors will teach a lesson from the Bible. Service will last about 75 minutes.


Our Welcome Area is in the foyer as you walk in. If you have any questions about finding a Community Group, serving in the church or city, or just want to learn more about Frontline Church, we’d be happy to help you.


Frontline Kids is located toward the back of the Sanctuary area. There will be signs pointing you to the check-in area. 

You will be greeted by a Frontline Kids volunteer who will help you check-in your child, provide a security sticker, and assist you to your child’s classroom. All kids ministries classrooms are staffed by screened volunteers who are equipped to lead your children to Jesus through the Scriptures.



So much of what we do at Frontline doesn't occur during Sunday services, but throughout the other six days of the week, as we scatter like salt and light into our city, on mission. As we learn to give and receive ministry between Sundays, we start to become a real church and not just a Sunday morning event.


The way to get plugged into the life of Frontline is to join a Community Group. Groups are the primary place where we are known, cared for, and encouraged to be on mission for Jesus. They meet weekly and are scattered all over Oklahoma City. For more information on locations and times of specific groups, come to the Welcome Table or go to


Whether you've been attending Frontline for months, or you're planning your first visit, we would love to meet you and get to know you better. We know that it can be hard to find a way to get involved and meet other people when you arrive at a new church. While it can be difficult to move outside of Sundays and step into community during the week, we encourage you to do it anyway!

Fill out a Welcome Card and let us get to know you!